Weather Presenter's Brave Admission: 'I Forgot to Breathe'

Australian weather presenter Nate Byrne shares his brave story of having a panic attack on live TV and opens up about his struggles with mental health.
Weather Presenter's Brave Admission: 'I Forgot to Breathe'
Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash

Breaking Down on Live TV: One Weather Presenter’s Brave Admission

A heart-stopping moment on live television has brought attention to the often-hidden struggles of panic attacks. Nate Byrne, a seasoned weather presenter for an Australian TV program, has spoken out about his experience of having a panic attack while reading the weather report for the state of Queensland.

During the broadcast, Byrne suddenly stopped and handed back to his hosts, Lisa Millar and Michael Rowland. He openly admitted to feeling a panic attack coming on and apologized for the interruption. Watch the dramatic moment unfold.

A weather presenter having a panic attack on live TV is a wake-up call for all of us

This isn’t the first time Byrne has spoken about his struggles with panic attacks. Two years ago, he wrote a powerful piece for the ABC online website, detailing his experiences and encouraging others to open up about their own struggles.

Byrne’s hosts were quick to show their support, praising his bravery and openness. Millar even mentioned the possibility of re-sharing his article on social media to raise awareness.

A few days after the incident, Byrne spoke to the Will & Woody show on the KIIS Network, explaining what happened during the panic attack. Hear the full interview here.

‘The weather wall is my happy place, and originally, [I had] run there, been out of breath, was trying to control it so I could use my good presenter voice,’ he said. ‘And I think I kind of forgot how to breathe properly in that moment, starved my brain of oxygen a bit, and it didn’t feel very happy about that.’

Byrne’s words serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of mental health awareness. By sharing his story, he’s helping to break down stigmas and encouraging others to speak out about their struggles.

We must work together to create a more supportive environment for those struggling with mental health

It’s essential that we create a culture where people feel comfortable discussing their mental health without fear of judgment. By doing so, we can help those struggling to get the support they need and work towards a more understanding and compassionate society.

As Byrne’s story spreads, it’s clear that his bravery will inspire many others to share their own stories. Let’s hope that his admission will spark a wider conversation about mental health and encourage more people to speak out.

Weather presenter Nate Byrne’s courage will inspire others to open up about their mental health