The Simpsons' Predictive Powers: From Donald Trump to Kamala Harris

The Simpsons has a long history of predicting future events, from Donald Trump's presidency to the World Cup final. But one of the most impressive predictions they've made has to be Kamala Harris's presidential run.
The Simpsons' Predictive Powers: From Donald Trump to Kamala Harris

The Simpsons: Predicting the Future One Episode at a Time

As a long-time fan of The Simpsons, I’ve always been amazed by the show’s ability to predict future events. From Donald Trump’s presidency to the World Cup final, it seems like the writers have a crystal ball that shows them exactly what’s going to happen next. But one of the most impressive predictions they’ve made has to be Kamala Harris’s presidential run.

Senator Kamala Harris

According to a recent interview with one of the show’s writers, the idea for Lisa Simpson’s presidential bid was inspired by a dream that the writer had about a female president. At the time, it seemed like a far-fetched idea, but fast forward 20 years and it looks like The Simpsons were onto something.

A History of Predictions

This isn’t the first time that The Simpsons has predicted a major event. In fact, the show has a long history of forecast-ing everything from celebrity marriages to sporting victories. But what makes their prediction of Kamala Harris’s presidential run so impressive is the level of detail that they got right.

From her policies to her campaign slogans, The Simpsons seemed to know exactly what Kamala Harris would be like as a presidential candidate. It’s eerie to watch the episode now, knowing that the events that unfolded were predicted so many years ago.

The Simpsons’ predictive powers

So How Do They Do It?

So, how do the writers of The Simpsons manage to predict the future with such accuracy? According to the writer, it’s all about paying attention to the world around us. By keeping an eye on current events and trends, the writers are able to spot patterns and make educated guesses about what might happen next.

Of course, it’s not just about making predictions - it’s also about creating a compelling narrative that will engage audiences. The Simpsons has always been a show that’s not afraid to push boundaries and take risks, and that’s part of what makes it so lovable.


The Simpsons’ prediction of Kamala Harris’s presidential run is just the latest in a long line of impressive predictions. Whether you’re a fan of the show or not, it’s hard not to be impressed by their ability to forecast future events with such accuracy. So, what’s next for The Simpsons? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for sure - we’ll be watching with bated breath.

The Simpsons’ predictive powers