The Dark Side of Fame: How Danny Cipriani's Alleged Drug Use Destroyed His Marriage

Danny Cipriani's ex-wife Victoria Rose O'Callaghan has spoken out about the devastating impact of his alleged drug use on their marriage.
The Dark Side of Fame: How Danny Cipriani's Alleged Drug Use Destroyed His Marriage

The Dark Side of Fame: How Danny Cipriani’s Alleged Drug Use Destroyed His Marriage

As a rugby star, Danny Cipriani has always been in the spotlight. But behind the glamour of his public life, his marriage was crumbling under the weight of his alleged drug use. In a shocking interview, his ex-wife Victoria Rose O’Callaghan revealed the devastating impact of his addiction on their relationship.

Danny Cipriani and Victoria Rose O’Callaghan’s marriage was marked by his alleged drug use

According to Victoria, Danny’s alleged drug use was the primary reason for their divorce. She claimed that he would spend hundreds of pounds on narcotics, including magic mushroom-laced chocolate bars and prescription drugs. The constant use of these substances took a toll on their relationship, with Victoria feeling ‘humiliated’ by his behavior.

‘He is so into psychedelics that I don’t believe he knows what is reality and what is not,’ Victoria told The Sun.

Danny Cipriani’s rugby career has been marked by controversy

The couple’s marriage was also strained by Danny’s messaging with other women. Victoria discovered that he was sending flirtatious messages to women, which she described as ‘heartbreaking.’

‘I was shocked, heartbroken. They weren’t sexts but they were telling women they were beautiful, and the connections he felt to them. Not the kind of thing you want to read your husband sending,’ Victoria said.

Victoria Rose O’Callaghan has spoken out about her experiences with Danny Cipriani

The couple’s divorce was announced in November 2023, with Danny stating that they had ‘agreed to separate after 4 years of marriage.’ However, Victoria has since revealed that she was left feeling ‘knifed in the heart’ by the sudden announcement.

‘I thought I would be able to help him and he said he wanted to stop taking drugs. Danny was taking loads of prescription drugs and I just said “enough is enough,”’ Victoria said.

Danny Cipriani has since moved on to a new relationship with AnnaLynne McCord

The news of Danny’s alleged drug use has sparked a wider conversation about the dangers of substance abuse in the sports industry. As a rugby star, Danny has a responsibility to his fans and his team to prioritize his health and wellbeing.

‘The thing with Danny is, he could be on mushrooms and talking to you and you would have no idea. He functions so well,’ Victoria said.

Rugby players are under increasing pressure to perform at a high level

The situation highlights the need for greater support and resources for athletes struggling with addiction. By speaking out about her experiences, Victoria hopes to raise awareness and promote a more open conversation about the issue.

‘I knew his reputation but thought he was a new person,’ Victoria said. ‘He left, I was heartbroken. Then he got together with AnnaLynne.’

AnnaLynne McCord has been linked to Danny Cipriani since his divorce

As the sports industry continues to grapple with the issue of substance abuse, it is clear that more needs to be done to support athletes struggling with addiction. By sharing her story, Victoria Rose O’Callaghan hopes to inspire change and promote a more positive culture within the sports industry.