
Cameron Brooke

Cameron Brooke

122 Posts

Cameron Brooke is a sports journalist with a passion for highlighting the lighter side of competitive games.

Emily Fraser

Emily Fraser

111 Posts

Emily is a snooker enthusiast who moonlights as a humor writer for BlunderBall. She’s a master of wit and has written for us irreverently ranting about some epic blunders in the game.

Evelyn Pemberton

Evelyn Pemberton

93 Posts

Evelyn Pemberton is a seasoned journalist who has found her dream job at BlunderBall. In her free time, she enjoys playing chess and trying out new craft beers.

Katy Rogers

Katy Rogers

117 Posts

Katy Patel writes for publications that balance humor and satire, and is rarely seen without a cup of strong coffee in hand.

Rachel Spencer

Rachel Spencer

128 Posts

A snooker enthusiast by night and a wordsmith by day, Rachel Spencer captures the drama and comedy of BlunderBall’s most epic fails.